Transitions – PART 2

Transitions can be really uncomfortable. Even when you do your best to look after yourself the best you can, and take time out to be still and realign yourself to your values, there are still some transition-type things that are going to feel a bit disconcerting. It makes sense too, as really, you are moving to a new place that you haven’t been before – a new version of yourself that you are still growing into. Aren’t you proud!? It takes guts, focus, persistence, and strength to be where you are right now!

It might feel like you’re failing or doing poorly in the interim stage – you’re not. If you think about the analogy of the caterpillar to butterfly, obviously growing wings to break through a cocoon can feel frustrating, disheartening, and awkward at times. You may be doubting that you’ve got what it takes – doubting that you are enough or even worried that people will find out you were once a grub! However, on the other hand it’s also going to feel exciting, inspiring, and expansive.. it’s where you want to go!

Being that I am in a transition stage myself at the moment, I asked Ben if he had any ideas about what I could do to make myself more comfortable in this awkward period before I emerge as a butterfly. His answer:

“I wouldn’t be trying to be comfortable at all, I’d be too busy focusing on becoming a butterfly!”

Woah. This hit the nail right on the head for me. “Of course! Why even try to make something inherently uncomfortable, comfortable!? Growing wings and busting out of the old version of myself to new heights isn’t about being comfortable! To invest my energy into trying to make it that way only deters from the mission at hand! It’s about working with it, moving forward, focusing all your energy to build strength so you can break through the layers of this cocoon! We need to use the discomfort for good. As Ben so eloquently worded it in yesterdays blog – it’s time to ‘pump it!'”

So, if you’re felling uncomfortable, great. Be excited about the wings you are strengthening and the amazing opportunities and adventures awaiting you! You are here because you DO have what it takes and it is only a matter of time before you emerge from this as a stronger and more vibrant version of yourself. No-one is going to care that you were a caterpillar – every butterfly has to start that way ๐Ÿ˜‰

Transitions – PART 1

The word transition has been on my mind a lot the past two days. I finally realised that it is ย because I am actually in one.

I’ve gotta say, it hasn’t been very enjoyable for a large part of it. It’s that feeling of being not quite finished with the old, but not quite ready for the new. I WANT to be ready for the new stuff but for some reason I can feel myself still trying to adjust. It’s frustrating because I know the new stuff is precisely what I am desiring for the next stage of my life. ย I feel fat in my body (almost like I have a thick layer of goop all over me), un-beautiful, listless, scattered, wasteful of energy, low on energy, unfocused, self-absorbed.. like nothing quite fits right. Nothing quite feels right. I feel these glimmers of excitement (super excitement) as some really cool opportunities have come into my world like never before, but I also feel unable to embrace them fully because I am somehow being gooped down. Basically, it feels I am part grub, part butterfly and the only way is through. Eek!

So what does this look like? Well.. it’s sort of a mix.. what I’ve been tending to do is revert to old behaviours that only add to my crappiness while really wanting to enjoy the new at the same time. Eating poorly and in an imbalanced way (always a big challenge for me when I don’t feel so good), distracting myself, dismissing things I know make me feel great like singing playing my guitar, or yoga. Stuff like that. When we see these things it is tempting to think we are moving backwards, however, it occurred to me that I am actually moving forwards fast and the grubby part of me is trying to slow me down a bit as it makes it’s final transformation. Why? Because it’s a little bit scary and we are going to need a new level of energy where we are going. We are moving into unchartered territory. New heights. New adventures. New challenges to face and places to rise to. AND.. once we are there we can’t go back.

As you have probably gathered, I really love using analogies to make sense of what is happening within me. So when I realised I was in a transition phase I asked Ben what you need to do to make a good transition on BMX (that’s his thing!). I had a feeling it may shed some light on the situation and help me manoeuvre my way through. He was like, “Hmmm.. You gotta pump it!” When he said it a lightbulb went on for me! “Of course! I have been trying to slow myself down in preparation, but really, what I need to do is focus my energy and pump it! How am I going to make the jump if I go into it with the brakes on!?” Then he continued on and said, “The faster you’re willing to hit the transition, the higher you’re going to go.. But, you must be willing to practise!”

He really emphasised that last bit.. “ must be willing to practise!”ย I feel that last part is key. Just like anything in life that is worth doing, transitioning is an art form.. it requires practise, and the more you do it, the better and more efficient you become at it! So don’t worry too much if you still see grubbiness here and there. You know where you are headed.. Butterfly territory! And guess what? Once you make the transition you won’t need to worry about falling because you’ll have wings! Yeah! The resistance is all part of it.. you need to have something to build your strength on so your wings are strong enough to lift you once you emerge from the chrysalis!

So, how do we make it through this transition time gracefully and with as little discomfort as possible? Be patient. Go gently. It’s ok if you revert to some not so energising behaviours. Notice them, love them, and perhaps make a choice in favour of good energy creation. For me this is as simple as drinking a big bottle of water or going to bed early. Don’t push against so much, open up in a forward moving way. Then allow this energy to build. You know what feels good for you ๐Ÿ™‚ As you do these little things, the other things will begin to naturally fall away. Pretty soon you’ll be ready to pump right through and fly!



The Ocean Is Always Magnificent

What a fascinating and bewildering year we have had so far! The power has been momentous, the heights and depths of which have had many of us shaken. One cannot deny, however, ย the charge it has added to our potential for wisdom and transformation.

I have found myself in awe of the things I have been discovering, the unfolding of what has been within me all this time. It feels like a flower has bloomed. Something has opened. I feel safer in the provision of the Universe.. who’d have thought it could be possible for this to feel ‘normal’ amidst so much uncertainty?

What has had me particularly starstruck recently is the way that men and women can support one another in the most beautifully satisfying ways. To flourish together.

My pondering this morning led me to consider the way in which girls and women desire to be seen for the beauty that they are. Our hearts are yearning to know that we are indeed shimmering in the light and that the people around us are noticing it. We need to be beautiful. To feel beautiful. So beautiful that one can’t help but be drawn closer to our incandescent light.

So much of the time though, it seems we don’t feel this way. We don’t feel beautiful. We don’t feel noticed. We don’t feel people moving closer. Often we feel they are moving away. As I pondered this by the ocean this morning I thought, “Surely it doesn’t have to be this hard. Can’t we simply just be beautiful. Like a flower. Isn’t it enough just being the beauty that we are?” The answer? Yes.

An insight sparked within me. The ocean is always magnificent. No matter what is happening, and no matter who does or doesn’t notice it. The ocean doesn’t get any less beautiful because someone else fails to see it. Really, it is simply a bonus when they do – and the joy, most of the time, is in the person who has opened up the space to to really breathe it in ๐Ÿ™‚

I feel it is the same with us. The question is not whether we are beautiful. We are.

Sometimes it is noticed and sometimes it may seem that it is not. Noticing or the lack thereof, however, never diminishes the beauty that exists. Beauty is beauty.

Just like the Ocean. It is always magnificent. Just like you.

A final note..

Thank you to my beautiful Friend Anna who reminded me that my blog posts are noticed ย – that was a moment of beauty seen for me ๐Ÿ™‚ x

A Little Tight

While engaging in yoga this morning I observed that a part of my body that has been feeling quite relaxed recently was feeling super tight!

I felt a hint of sadness and frustration.. “Aw, why so tight!? You’d been feeling so flexible and flowing recently and now all of a sudden you feel the tightest you have felt for a long time!” (This is me conversing with my body.. hee, hee..)

Then it occurred to me, “Sarah, a couple of days ago you did a rather challenging yoga session that pushed you in ways you haven’t been pushed for a while! It makes sense you feel a bit stiff and tight. It’s a sign you are moving to a new level of strength in that area!”

“Oh, I thought! Of course! That makes sense. You have to get a little tight before you move to the next level, otherwise you will stay in the same place you have always been. Tightness is a sign you are moving forward!”

So, what started as feelings of sadness and frustration became feelings of pride and excitement in moving forward. It also sparked some thoughts about how this applies to life too.

Sometimes we can feel disheartened that we have come so far only to feel that all of a sudden we are back to where we started. You aren’t! You are just feeling the tightness of forward movement and expansion! Keep going. Breathe deeply. In and out. (Both are equally important!).

You are moving to an even greater place of freedom, flow, and flexibility in this area. It takes such guts and tenacity to continue forward so feel proud of who you are and the decision you have made to move in this area.

Sometimes it seems easier to stay where you are, however, freedom is calling ๐Ÿ˜‰

Havening Information Session

Hello Beautiful People.

For those who are not yet aware, I have begun a Havening and Psychology Practice which focuses heavily upon the recoding of neurological pathways in the brain.

Havening is a unique therapeutic approach which seeks to decode traumatic experience and emotion from past memory. By doing so, individuals are released from previous thought and behaviour patterns, and their present experience opened up in ways they had always hoped but never felt was possible.

Due to the newness of the approach, I have decided to hold an intimate information evening for those interested in knowing/learning more. I will provide a live demonstration and can answer or discuss any further queries regarding how the process works and where it originated from.

If you would like to attend or find out more, please send me a message or contact me on 0413 118 124.

Excited to hear from you and to share the good news of Havening further.

You can also view some of the testimonials reported so far at..




Transition is in the air at the moment. Something big is happening in the stars.

For those who are feeling it strongly, take heart, you are in good company. Sometimes it takes a big shake-up to let go of old things that are no longer adding value to our lives.

Often it seems that just at the moment we are really starting to fulfil our dreams (or are feeling closer too), fears and challenges arise in an almost insurmountable measure. We feel disheartened. Alone. Afraid. Uncertain. Shaky. Doubtful. Tired..We wonder why we even bothered to begin with. All those really uncomfortable feelings we thought we had buried long ago.

But that is just the thing.. We buried them. Which means we kind of just hid them from view for a while – sometimes a long while. The fact you are seeing them means you must be moving to a lighter place. A place where the cracks and crevices are being brought into view again. It isn’t that you are failing, it is that you are winning! You are shining light in places you have been too afraid to look at before. Yes it can be scary. Yes it can be painful.. But guess what!? Once the light has been shone and you look at it directly at it, it will never be waiting in the shadows to side swipe you again! And all that energy you have invested into keeping things under wraps will now be available to fuel your expanding present and future.

Keep going Friend, keep going. You are not the darkness, you are light. You are seeing, feeling, lifting, moving, and building momentum in ways like never before. You are so brave to allow yourself to go to these places! Look at it and lighten it any way you can. Feel into it and then allow yourself to look up.

I believe in you. You are doing this and you are shining. xxx